Shanoan Springs Nursing And Rehabilitation

2500 South 12th Street
Chickasha, OK - 73018
Phone Number: 405-224-1397

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Do they accept Medicaid as payment?

Do they accept Medicaid as payment?

Do they accept sliding fee scale payment?

Do they accept sliding fee scale payment?

How much does it cost to live here?

How much does it cost to live here?


2020-08-11 20:56:37

I searching for assisted living for my Step granddaughter who is about 39. She has mental illness as well as retardation. I am told her level of functioning is about 7 years old. She needs 24/7 assistance. Her mom is ill and no longer able to care for her. Her funding is Medicare/Medicaid. She does receive monthly disability but I do not know how,much. Is this a program that might meet her needs?

2020-08-12 15:55:14

I searching for assisted living for my Step granddaughter who is about 39. She has mental illness as well as retardation. I am told her level of functioning is about 7 years old. She needs 24/7 assistance. Her mom is ill and no longer able to care for her. Her funding is Medicare/Medicaid. She does receive monthly disability but I do not know how,much. Is this a program that might meet her needs?

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